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module 1 and 2

1. Quantum dot counting (planned, but omitted)

sample image: quantumdots.tif

design a protocol for segmenting quantum dot and write a macro that counts the number of quantum dots in the image.

2. Modify dot movement macro as you like.

(Brownian, Cycloid, Sinusoidal …)

Save your macro in the data server. Please do not forget to include your names in the macro file name.


module 4

Relative Movement

Go to section 4.4.7 and do the exercise 4.4.7-1.

PIV based anaysis (omitted)

Try install and using the following plugin:

Get a vector field data (you need only two frames for this), save the results as a csv file and then analyze the directioanlity in R.

shared/bias2013/assignments.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/07 03:12 by kota

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