~~NOTOC~~ ===== FIJI/ImageJ Hackathon / March 15th-26th, 2010 @EMBL ===== for details, go to **[[meeting:FIJI2010 | FIJI 2010 Page]]** --- Dear All, We would like to draw your attention on the following initiative: **Fiji/ImageJ Hackathon\\ March 15th-26th, 2010\\ Room 6.51a**\\ A group of around 15 core developers of FIJI/ImageJ will meet here at the EMBL with __the aim of enhancing 3D visualization and timelapse analysis in ImageJ/Fiji__. ==== What is Fiji? ==== Fiji ("Fiji is just ImageJ") (http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de). It emerged as a user-driven response to organize ImageJ's collection of plugins, along with comprehensive user documentation, and version-controlled code for developers. The developers introduced new ImageJ libraries for image registration, stitching, segmentation, feature extraction, 3D visualization, and numerous others. ==== What is an Hackathon? ==== It is a software development sprints. Hosting such an initiative here at the EMBL is a great opportunity for both EMBL imaging processing specialists and researchers to contribute to the open Fiji project, and have a saying in the development of this widely popular software. ---- ==== Summary of the initiative ==== === Hackathon: === Please note that the Hachathon is an open platform however, if you want to participate please send and email to Kota Miura (miura@embl.de ). === Talks: === **17/3 (Wed)** 11am @Small Operon\\ Erwin Frise\\ "Exploring spatial gene expression during early development of Drosophila"\\ **19/3 (Fri)** 11am @Small Operon\\ Pavel Tomancak\\ "New tricks for comparative genomics analysis of gene expression regulation in Drosophila"\\ **24/3 (Wed)** 4pm @Small Operon\\ Mark Longair\\ "Neuron Tracing and Computational Neuroanatomy with Free Software"\\ === Hands-on tutorials: === 17/3 (Wed, 2:30pm-5:00pm in Room 202): Image segmentation workshop\\ 18/3 (Thu, 2:30pm-5:00pm in Room 202): Image registration workshop\\ If you would like to participate in these tutorials, send an email to Elisabeth Hillier (elisabeth.hillier@embl.de ) ---- For more updates on info, check http://cmci.embl.de. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes,\\ Kota Miura (CMCI) and Francesca Peri (DB)