====== Course Utilities ====== ===== Author ===== Kota Miura\\ Centre for Molecular and Cellular Imaging (CMCI)\\ EMBL Heidelberg\\ miura at embl dot de\\ Tel: +49 6221 387 404 ===== History ===== * 12-05-30 First verison * 12-09-21 Added course module plugins, references ==== recent changes ==== {{rss>https://github.com/cmci/CourseUtil/commits/master.atom 10 date 48h}} ===== Source ===== Released under the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html|GNU General Public License v2]]. ===== Requires ===== ImageJ ver 1.34j or higher ([[http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/upgrade/|ImageJ, upgrade page]]), or Fiji. ===== Installation & Updating ===== There are two ways. - Use Fiji Updater. - Manually download the plugin and install. ==== Fiji Updater ==== [[http://fiji.sc/How_to_follow_a_3rd_party_update_site|Follow the instruction in Fiji Wiki]] to add "CMCI-EMBL" to your updater. The advantage of using this method over manual download & installation is that the plugin is automatically updated when I upgrade it in future. ==== Manual Download ==== Download the plugin **EMBL_sampleimages-1.0.x.jar** from the latest release in the following page: https://github.com/cmci/CourseUtil/releases/ and place it in the plugin folder of ImageJ (or Fiji). ===== Description ===== This plugin adds a new menu "EMBL" in the menu bar * To load and open sample images used for image analysis courses. * To use various functions for learning image processing algorithms. A collection of plugins available from the following sites: * [[http://svg.dmi.unict.it/iplab/imagej/index.htm|ImageJ Plugins by Prof. Sebastiano Battiato]] * [[http://fiji.sc|fiji site]]