====== Profile ====== ===== Kota Miura, Ph.D. ===== {{ :media:c07be6da-8e0a-491d-8d7a-d7f94965672c_wyrr0s.jpg?400|}} Bioimage Analyst * Director, Bioimage Analysis & Research (http://wiki.cmci.info) * Vice-Chair, The Network of Bioimage Analysts ([[http://neubias.org|NEUBIAS]]) * Editorial Board, [[https://f1000research.com/NEUBIAS|The F1000 NEUBIAS Gateway]] * Scientific Advisory Board, [[https://focalplane.biologists.com/scientific-advisory-board/|The Focal Plane, The Company of Biologists]] * Advisory Board Member, Max Planck Bioimaging, Germany * External Advisory Board Member, Center for Open Bioimage Analysis([[https://openbioimageanalysis.org/|COBA]]), NIH, USA * Visiting Researcher, Nikon Imaging Center, University of Heidelberg * Ph.D., LMU (University of Munich, 2001) Books * [[https://bit.ly/bias-wiley| Bioimage Data Analysis, Ed. Kota Miura (2016), Wiley-VCH]] * Free PDF downloadable from the above site. * [[https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4780909368|ImageJではじめる生物画像解析, Miura & Tsukada, 2016, Gakken-Shujyun]] * Texts in Japanese * [[https://bit.ly/bias-springer|Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows, Ed. Kota Miura & Natasa Sladoje (2019), Springer]] * Free PDF downloadable from the above site. * [[https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4815730121/|デジタル細胞生物学, Translation, Miura & Tsukada, 2021, Medical Science International]] * Texts in Japanese * [[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/3030763935|Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows ‒ Advanced Components and Methods, Ed. Kota Miura & Natasa Sladoje (2022), Springer]] * Free PDF downloadable will be available soon. URL * Github: [[https://github.com/miura]] * Twitter: [[https://twitter.com/cmci_]] * Twitter: (Japanese) [[https://twitter.com/kotapub]] * LinkedIn: [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/kota-miura-30b8676/]]