Kota Miura
Centre for Molecular and Cellular Imaging (CMCI)
EMBL Heidelberg
miura at embl dot de
Tel: +49 6221 387 404
Released under the GNU General Public License.
ImageJ ver 1.37j or higher (ImageJ, upgrade page).
A commercial software Imaris (Bitplane) ver 7.0.0 and its optional module ImarisXT.
You need to install several files.
Exports multidimensional stack opened in ImageJ directly to Imaris, so that 3D time series with multiple channels could be visualized and inspected using useful interface of Imaris. It works with 8-bit and 16-bit stacks. 32-bit stack exporting should work but not tested.
Following types of stacks could be exported:
In case of CZ, ZT, CZT, RGB-ZT stacks, stack should be already be converted to Hyperstack (Image → Stack → Stack to HyperStack). You should also be sure that dimensional sizes in [Image → Image Properties] are correctly set, since plugin reads dimensional information from this.
I noted some memos on JAVA-JACOB usage in below entries.
This plugin was written on top of example java application “HelloImaris.java” written by Volker Baecker, which is available in the Bitplane website.