Color coding traces by time.
Kota Miura
Centre for Molecular and Cellualr Imaging (CMCI)
EMBL Heidelberg
miura at embl dot de
Tel: +49 6221 387 404
Released under the GNU General Public License.
ImageJ ver 1.34j or higher (ImageJ, upgrade page).
It comes with ImageJ / Fiji, so you do not need to install it.
Download K_TimeRGBcolorcode.ijm to a place where you can access easily. Install the macro by [Plugins→Macros→Install…].
Temporal changes in position of object will be color coded.
For example, sequece such as
will be converted to color coded stack
Max intensity projection of this sequence yields
Coding table will also be created (check the option).
1. Open a stack (8 bit or 16 bit)
2. Run the macro
3. In the dialog choose one of the LUT for time coding.?Select frame range (default is full). Check if you want to have color scale bar.