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Using Cluster for Image Processing with ImageJ-headless mode
The simplest case: processing with no use of plugins
We take a sample case of adding noise to an image as an example. You need following files in the current directory (in the following, we assume that the current directory is /home/miura/test. In your case, it could be /home/<yourname>/test.
Four files should be in the directory:
- headless.jar
- This .jar file manages to work with ImageJ headlessly.
- download headless.jar file from Place it in the current directory /home/miura/test
- blobs.tif
- You could download this by Normal ImageJ (with-head, or GUI). [File → Open Samples → Blob]. Save it in the current directory /home/miura/test
- headlesstest.ijm
- You must created this ImageJ macro file and save it in the current directory. See below.
- You must created this ImageJ macro file and save it in the current directory. See below.
Write an ImageJ macro that does the actual processing.
- Example macro is named “headlesstest.ijm”
- This macro does not use ij.gui.* classes, so it should basically be running even without headless.jar (not tested).
srcname = getArgument(); open(srcname); destpath = "test/"; run("Add Noise"); saveAs("Tiff", destpath + "blobprocessed.tif");
Tip: for passing arguments to the macro, use getArgument() command. See also this page, section "Running Macros from the Command Line".
Write a short shell script , that runs the ImageJ macro.
- Example shell script “” is shown below.
#!/bin/sh #PBS -N TestPBS #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 /usr/struct/bin/java -classpath headless.jar:/struct/software/linux/imagej-1.42/ij.jarr -Djava.awt.headless=true ij.ImageJ -batch headlesstest.ijm /home/miura/test/blobs.tif
Some more explanation:
- Java command for the headless mode is based on instruction in this page
- see more information at the batch farm @ EMBL
- Above script assumes that you will run it at /home/miura/test
- you cannot use the default java, since it is GNU java, not Sun Java.
- full path to the right Java runtime environment should be assigned as above.
- ij.jar, the main body of ImageJ is in SCB unit software central repository.
- Argument for the IJ macro is a file with full path information. This is just to be explicit, as base directory is /home/miura
Login to sub-master from SSH secure shell, and then type below:
cd /home/<yourname>/test sh
If you see that the processed file appearing in /home/<yourname>/test, then you are successfully using ImageJ from command line via shell script.
- Throwing the job to cluster:
/usr/pbs/bin/qsub -q clusterng ./
if you see the processed file in /home/<yourname>/test, then you are successfully using the EMBL cluster.
using ImageJ Plugins
Using plugin is a bit tricky. In case of desktop ImageJ, what you need to install plugin is simply drug and drop .class or .jar files to plugins folder within imageJ folder. With headless mode, you need to do the following:
- explicitly state where the plugins folder resides by setting -ijpath.
- all plugins must not be in jar. They all have to be class files.
- if you only have jar file, then you should open it by zip archiver and extract all class files. File hierarchy should be maintained within the plugin folder.
… so the java command would look like this:
/usr/struct/bin/java -cp /home/miura/test/headless.jar:/home/miura/test/ij-1.44h.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true ij.ImageJ -ijpath /home/miura/test -batch headlesstest2.ijm /home/miura/test
and the plugins folder resides within /home/miura/test.
Spreading Jobs with qsub
For faster computation of many files, a job array consisting of many job scripts would speed up the processing.
For example, if there are 100 files to be image-processed, job script for each file could be prepared with numerated job file name, and submitted to the cluster. Jobs are then spread to vacant resources (uses vacant CPU).
Preparation of scripts could be automated. I will paste an example ImageJ macro for doing this. The macro generates job scripts for all files in a directory (e.g. for 100 files, then 100 scripts + job array script is generated).
There are 7 arguments required to run this script.
- arg[0]: path to the folder cotaining images to be processed
- arg[1]: path to the output folder for processed images
- arg[2]: path to the folder where scripts will be saved
- arg[3]: prefix of job shell scrips. should be longer than 2 chars
- arg[4]: path to ij jars
- arg[5]: path to IJ macro
- arg[6]: IJ macro name
After generating files, change the permission to all the script files so that they could be executed. Should be something like (if your job script prefix is job_):
chmod +x job_*
Example work flow
In this example, job scripts generator (written in ImageJ macro) is executed. This generator also generates job array script. Each job script then executes java command on corresponding image/stack, using single image processing ImageJ macro file (this file name is currently static, written in the beginning part of generator macro).
File hierarchy environment is as follows:
- current directory: /home/miura/test
- images are in: /home/miura/test/testsrc
- ij.jar and headless.jar are in /home/miura/test
- imageJ macro for generating shell scripts is at: /home/miura/test
- imageJ macro for image processing is at: /home/miura/test
% /usr/struct/bin/java -cp headless.jar:ij-1.44h.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true ij.ImageJ -batch JCreate2.ijm /home/miura/test/testsrc:/home/miura/test/testdest:jobbb % chmod +x testdest/jobbb* % qsub testdest/
- 1st line creates job scripts and a job array script.
- 2nd line changed the permission of job scripts
- 3rd line throws the job to the cluster
Above steps could be written in a meta-shell script as follows. Then all you need to do is just execute one line, sh <name of script>.sh.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
#!/bin/sh #script for imageJ cluster calculation # path to IJ jar file IJJARS= "/home/miura/test" # path to images and stacks SRCPATH= "/home/miura/test/testsrc" # path to job array generator macro JOBGENPATH= "/home/miura/test" # name of job array generator JOBGENNAME= "JCreate2.ijm" # path to save job scripts and job array script JOBPATH= "/home/miura/test/testdest" # base name (prefix) of job script generated for each images/stacks JOBPREF= "jobbb" echo "IJ full-path ${IJJARS}/headless.jar" #timer jobstart=$( date +%s) #jobstartN=$(date +%N) /usr/struct/bin/java - cp ${IJJARS} /headless .jar:${IJJARS} /ij-1 .44h.jar -Djava.awt.headless= true ij.ImageJ -batch ${JOBGENPATH}/${JOBGENNAME} ${SRCPATH}:${JOBPATH}:${JOBPREF} chmod +x ${JOBPATH}/${JOBPREF}* qsub ${JOBPATH} /jobarray .sh # timer jobend=$( date +%s) #jobendN=$(date +%N) echo "Time: $((jobend-jobstart)) secs." #echo "Time: $((jobendN-jobstartN)) nano-sec." |
Automated Script (Only from within EMBL network)
Automated Script is available, with which you need to change only two lines defining the ImageJ macro that you want to apply to images in a folder.
lines to be changed are
64 IJMACROPATH="/g/almf/miura/pub" ... 67 IJMACRONAME="headlesstest3.ijm"
Path to the macro and name of the macro file should be replaced according to your situation.
rename and save the script, and do
sh <renamedFile>.sh <path>/<to>/<ImageContainingFolder>
argument <path>/<to>/<ImageContainingFolder> is full path to the folder where images / stacks are stored.
Example Scripts
Cluster ImageJ processing script
Sample Shell Script that does all.
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#!/bin/sh #script for imageJ cluster calculation argument must be the full path to the folder containing source images/stacks. # imgdir=$1 if test -d ${imgdir} then echo ${imgdir} " ...input directory" else echo ${imgdir} " such directory." exit 1 fi outdir=${imgdir} "_proc" if test -d ${outdir} then echo ${outdir} " ...output directory" else mkdir ${outdir} echo ${outdir} " ...output directory created" fi jobdir=${imgdir} "_jobs" if test -d ${jobdir} then echo ${jobdir} " ...job scripts dir" else mkdir ${jobdir} echo ${jobdir} " ...job scripts directory created" fi #curdir=`pwd` # path to IJ jar file IJJARS= "/g/almf/miura/pub" # path to images and stacks #SRCPATH="/home/miura/test/testsrc" #SRCPATH="/g/almf/miura/testsmalls" #SRCPATH=${curdir}"/"${imgdir} SRCPATH=${imgdir} #path to output directory #OUTPATH=${curdir}"/"${outdir} OUTPATH=${outdir} # path to job array generator macro #JOBGENPATH="/home/miura/test/ij" JOBGENPATH= "/g/almf/miura/pub" # name of job array generator JOBGENNAME= "JCreate3.ijm" # path to save job scripts and job array script #JOBPATH="/home/miura/test/job3" #JOBPATH=${curdir}"/"${jobdir} JOBPATH=${jobdir} # base name (prefix) of job script generated for each images/stacks #JOBPREF="job_"${imgdir} JOBPREF= "job_" # path to image processing IJ macro #IJMACROPATH="/home/miura/test/ij" IJMACROPATH= "/g/almf/miura/pub" # image processing IJ macro name IJMACRONAME= "headlesstest3.ijm" echo "IJ full-path ${IJJARS}/headless.jar" #timer jobstart=$( date +%s) #jobstartN=$(date +%N) macroarg=${SRCPATH}:${OUTPATH}:${JOBPATH}:${JOBPREF}:${IJJARS}:${IJMACROPATH}:${IJMACRONAME} echo ${macroarg} /usr/struct/bin/java - cp ${IJJARS} /headless .jar:${IJJARS} /ij-1 .44h.jar -Djava.awt.headless= true ij.ImageJ -batch ${JOBGENPATH}/${JOBGENNAME} ${macroarg} chmod +x ${JOBPATH}/${JOBPREF}* qsub ${JOBPATH} /jobarray .sh # timer jobend=$( date +%s) #jobendN=$(date +%N) echo "Time: $((jobend-jobstart)) secs." #echo "Time: $((jobendN-jobstartN)) nano-sec." |
Sample ImageJ macro for Generating Job Array
The ImageJ macro below is the actual content of the script above (called in line 75). it generates one script for one image/stack, and also meta-script called for the submission to cluster.
/* ImageJ macro for generating shell scripts to be used by qsub array Kota miura ( 2010 ...better be written as a shell script in future. to use this macro, adjust path variable SUN_JAVA if required you might probably need to change the name of imageJ jar file of var_ijjar requres three arguments separated by colon. arg[0]: path to the folder cotaining images to be processed arg[1]: path to the output folder for processed images arg[2]: path to the folder where scripts will be saved arg[3]: prefix of job shell scrips. should be longer than 2 chars arg[4]: path to ij jars arg[5]: path to IJ macro arg[6]: IJ macro name Example command for execution /usr/struct/bin/java -cp headless.jar:ij-1.44h.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true ij.ImageJ -batch JCreate.ijm /home/miura/test/testsrc:/home/miura/test/testdest:jobbb */ /* path where batch file (IJ macro) is placed,*/ var BASEP = "\/home\/miura\/test\/ij"; /* file name of IJ macro*/ var IJMACROFILE = "headlesstest3.ijm"; /* path to folder where ij.jar and plugins folder is*/ var IJP = "\/home\/miura\/test\/ij"; /* path to SUN java*/ var SUN_JAVA = "\/usr\/struct\/bin\/java"; var var_headless; var var_ijjar; var var_ijpath; var var_batchfile; var var_batcharg; var vars; var jobfilePrefix = "job_"; arg = getArgument(); print(arg); argA = split(arg, ":"); //for (i=0; i<argA.length; i++) print(argA[i]); if (argA.length != 7){ print("Number of Arguments:" + argA.length); print("Abort Generator: There should be exactly 7 arguments for running script generator."); exit(); } srcdir = argA[0]; outdir = argA[1]; destdir = argA[2]; argjobprefix = argA[3]; if (lengthOf(argjobprefix)>2){ jobfilePrefix = argjobprefix; } IJP = argA[4]; BASEP = argA[5]; IJMACROFILE = argA[6]; print("variables taken from arguments"); setVariables(); vars += srcdir + File.separator; print("input: " + srcdir); print("output: " + outdir); print("jobs: " + destdir); print("ImageJ Path: " + IJP); print("ImageJ macro Path: " + BASEP); print("ImageJ macro Name: " + IJMACROFILE); if (!File.isDirectory(srcdir)) { print("Abort: source directory does not exist!"); exit(); } if (!File.isDirectory(outdir)) { print("Abort: output directory does not exist!"); exit(); } if (!File.isDirectory(destdir)) { File.makeDirectory(destdir); } if (!File.isDirectory(IJP)) { print("Abort: ImageJ directory does not exist!"); exit(); } if (!File.isDirectory(BASEP)) { print("Abort: ImageJ Image Processing Macro directory does not exist!"); exit(); } if (!File.exists(BASEP + File.separator + IJMACROFILE)) { print("Abort: Image Processing Macro File does not exist!"); exit(); } filesA = getFileList(srcdir); jobfilename = "job_"; for (i = 0; i< filesA.length; i++){ generateJobScript(filesA[i], i, destdir); } jobarraystring = "#!/bin/sh\n" + "\n" + "#PBS -J 1-" + filesA.length + "\n" + "#PBS -q clusterng\n" + destdir+ File.separator + jobfilePrefix + "$"; jobarrayfile_fullpath = destdir + File.separator + ""; File.saveString(jobarraystring, jobarrayfile_fullpath); function setVariables(){ var_headless = "HEADLESS=" + IJP + "\/headless.jar\n"; var_ijjar = "IJ_JAR=" + IJP + "\/ij-1.44h.jar\n"; var_ijpath = "IJ_PATH=" + IJP + "\n"; var_batchfile = "BATCH_FILE=" + BASEP + "\/" + IJMACROFILE + "\n"; var_batcharg = "BATCH_ARG="; vars = var_headless + var_ijjar + var_ijpath + var_batchfile + var_batcharg; } function generateJobScript(filename, number, destdir){ header = "#!/bin/sh\n" + "#PBS -N TestPBS\n" + "#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00\n"; varslocal = vars + filename; command = SUN_JAVA + " " + "-cp $HEADLESS:$IJ_JAR -Djava.awt.headless=true " + "ij.ImageJ -ijpath $IJ_PATH -batch $BATCH_FILE $BATCH_ARG"; job = header + "\n\n" + varslocal + "\n" + command + "\n"; print(job); jobname = jobfilePrefix+ (number+1) + ".sh"; fullpath = destdir + File.separator + jobname; File.saveString(job, fullpath); }
A bit of details on errors
java.awt.headless should be explicitly set to true. If you do not use the flag “-Djava.awt.headless=true”, error could be returned that looks like this:
at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.initDisplay(Native Method) at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.access$100(Unknown Source) at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment$ Source) at Method) at sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment.<clinit>(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(Unknown Source) at sun.awt.X11.XToolkit.<clinit>(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Toolkit$ Source) at Method) at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Unknown Source) at ij.process.FloatProcessor.createImage( at ij.process.TypeConverter.convertFloatToByte( at ij.process.TypeConverter.convertToByte( at ij.process.ImageProcessor.convertToByte( at emblcmci.FFTFilter_NoGenDia.filter( at emblcmci.FFTFilter_NoGenDia.core( at at at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn( at ij.IJ.runPlugIn( at ij.Executer.runCommand( at at at at ij.macro.Functions.doRun( at ij.macro.Functions.doFunction( at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatement( at ij.macro.Interpreter.doStatements( at at at at ij.plugin.Macro_Runner.runMacro( at ij.plugin.Macro_Runner.runMacroFile( at ij.IJ.runMacroFile( at ij.ImageJ.main(
Thanks to Frank Thommen(SCB) and Andres Lindau (IT support) for their great help.