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CMCI seminar 3.0

The CMCI Image Analysis Seminar aims at promoting interaction among image analysts in EMBL and the exchanges of information. To join, please send a mail to Kota (, or until Sept. 11, 2015, use this form: seminar registration.


  • All participants should give talks alternately.
  • One seminar member has 60 minutes slot on Wednesday 15:30 - 16:30. The talk does not have to be a 60 min full talk. Shorter talks with several slides covering important points are also welcomed.
  • Formal PowerPoint presentations are not necessarily required. One could just show representative pictures to lead a discussion of his/her problems.
  • Every two weeks.


Four types of talk, choose one for your talk.

  1. “Look, I did a great image analysis job” seminar.
  2. “I'm doing badly on this image. Please help” seminar.
  3. “I don't know if my image analysis is good or bad. Please comment” seminar.
  4. “I have not much to say so I read a paper” seminar.


  1. Luis Pedro Coelho
  2. Christoph Schiklenk
  3. Emiliano Izquierdo
  4. Aliaksandr Halavatyi
  5. Kota Miura


Seminar starts from Sept. 23 (Wed), 2015. More details on seminar talks come later.

mainpages/seminar2015.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/24 12:46 by

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