Uses of Class

Packages that use Object3D

Uses of Object3D in ij3d.geom

Methods in ij3d.geom that return Object3D
 Object3D Objects3DPopulation.closestBorder(double x, double y, double z)
 Object3D Objects3DPopulation.closestCenter(double x, double y, double z)

Methods in ij3d.geom with parameters of type Object3D
 void Objects3DPopulation.addObject(Object3D obj)
          Add an object to the population
 double Object3D.angle(Object3D a, Object3D b)
          Angle between (a, this, b) with real coordinates
 double Object3D.distBorder(Object3D autre)
          the minimum distance between two objets (in real distance) computed on the contours pixels
 double Object3D.distCenter(Object3D autre)
          distance from center to center (in real distance)
 double Object3D.distCenter2D(Object3D autre)
          2D distance from center to center (in real distance)
 double Object3D.distCenterBorder(Object3D autre)
          Distance center to the border
 void Object3D.drawIntersection(ij.ImageStack mask, Object3D other, int col)
 void Object3D.drawIntersection(ij.ImageStack mask, Object3D other, int red, int green, int blue)
 boolean Object3D.intersectionBox(Object3D autre)
          Test if the bouding boxes intersect
 double Object3D.pcColoc(Object3D other)
 double Object3D.pixelsContact(Object3D other, double dist_max)
 double Object3D.radiusCenter(Object3D obj)
 boolean Object3D.separeSpot2D(IntImage3D ori, int val, int seuil, Object3D f, Object3D f1, Object3D f2, double dist, int p1, int p2)
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorBorderBorder(Object3D autre)
          The vector between the two closest border to border point
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorCenterBorder(Object3D autre)
          The vector between the center and border point

Constructors in ij3d.geom with parameters of type Object3D
Object3D(Object3D other)

Uses of Object3D in ij3d.image3d

Methods in ij3d.image3d with parameters of type Object3D
 int IntImage3D.intersectionPixels(IntImage3D autre, int val, int valautre, Object3D obj, Object3D objautre)
          number of pixels of intersection in two images
 void IntImage3D.replacePixelsValue(int val, int rep, Object3D obj)
          Replace a pixel value by another within a specified object