Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector3D

Uses of Vector3D in ij3d.geom

Methods in ij3d.geom that return Vector3D
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v)
          Add a vector
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v, double f1, double f2)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v, float f1, float f2)
          add a vector with ration
 Vector3D Vector3D.crossProduct(Vector3D V)
          the cross product between two vectors
 Vector3D Object3D.getCenter()
          Gets the center attribute of the Object3D object
 Vector3D Object3D.getCenterUnit()
          Gets the centerUnit attribute of the Object3D object
 Vector3D Object3D.getMainAxis()
          Gets the mainAxis attribute of the Object3D object (unit)
 Vector3D Vector3D.getPerpendicularVector()
 Vector3D ColorPoint3D.getVector3D()
          Gets the vector3D attribute of the Point3D object
 Vector3D Point3D.getVector3D()
          Gets the vector3D attribute of the Point3D object
 Vector3D Object3D.getVectorAxis(int order)
          Gets the Axis attribute of the Object3D object (unit)
 Vector3D GeomTransform3D.getVectorTransformed(Vector3D P, Vector3D C)
          Apply the transform to a point described by a vector
 Vector3D Vector3D.multiply(double f)
          multiply a vector by a scalar
 Vector3D Vector3D.multiply(double fx, double fy, double fz)
          mumultiply the coordinates
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorBorderBorder(Object3D autre)
          The vector between the two closest border to border point
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorCenterBorder(Object3D autre)
          The vector between the center and border point
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelBorder(double x, double y, double z)
          Vector between a pixel and the closest border
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelBorder(double x, double y, double z, Vector3D V)
          Vector from a point along a direction to the border of the object
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelBorder(Vector3D V)
          Vector between a pixel and the closest border
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(double x, double y, double z)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(double x, double y, double z, Vector3D dir)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(Vector3D V)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(Vector3D V, Vector3D dir)
          Description of the Method

Methods in ij3d.geom with parameters of type Vector3D
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v)
          Add a vector
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v, double f1, double f2)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Vector3D.add(Vector3D v, float f1, float f2)
          add a vector with ration
 double Vector3D.angle(Vector3D v)
          angle between two vectors in radians between 0 and PI
 double Vector3D.angleDegrees(Vector3D v)
          angle between two vectors in degrees between 0 and 180
 void ObjectCreator3D.createCube(Vector3D V, double rx, double ry, double rz, float val)
          Description of the Method
 void ObjectCreator3D.createCubeUnit(Vector3D V, double rx, double ry, double rz, float val)
          Description of the Method
 void ObjectCreator3D.createEllipsoid(Vector3D V, double rx, double ry, double rz, float col)
          Description of the Method
 void ObjectCreator3D.createEllipsoidAxes(int centerx, int centery, int centerz, double rx, double ry, double rz, float value, Vector3D V, boolean gauss)
 void ObjectCreator3D.createEllipsoidUnit(Vector3D V, double rx, double ry, double rz, float col)
          Description of the Method
 void ObjectCreator3D.createLine(Vector3D V1, Vector3D V2, float val, int rad)
          Description of the Method
 void ObjectCreator3D.createLineUnit(Vector3D V1, Vector3D V2, float val, int rad)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Vector3D.crossProduct(Vector3D V)
          the cross product between two vectors
 double Vector3D.distance(Vector3D V)
          Distance between two vectors
 double Vector3D.distanceSquare(Vector3D V)
          Description of the Method
 double Object3D.distPixelBorder(double x, double y, double z, Vector3D V)
          Distance from a point along a direction to the border of the object
 Vector3D GeomTransform3D.getVectorTransformed(Vector3D P, Vector3D C)
          Apply the transform to a point described by a vector
 double Object3D.radiusCenter(Vector3D V)
 double Vector3D.scalarProduct(Vector3D Y)
          scalar product between two vectors
 GeomTransform3D GeomTransform3D.setRotation(Vector3D axis, double angle)
 void ColorPoint3D.translate(Vector3D v)
          Description of the Method
 void Point3D.translate(Vector3D v)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelBorder(double x, double y, double z, Vector3D V)
          Vector from a point along a direction to the border of the object
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelBorder(Vector3D V)
          Vector between a pixel and the closest border
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(double x, double y, double z, Vector3D dir)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(Vector3D V)
          Description of the Method
 Vector3D Object3D.vectorPixelUnitBorder(Vector3D V, Vector3D dir)
          Description of the Method

Constructors in ij3d.geom with parameters of type Vector3D
Sphere3D(Vector3D v)
          Constructor for the Sphere3D object
Vector3D(Vector3D V)
          Copy constructor for the Vector3D object

Uses of Vector3D in ij3d.image3d

Methods in ij3d.image3d with parameters of type Vector3D
 void FHTImage3D.fill3D(FHTImage3D[] proj, Vector3D[] W)
          Fill 3D Reconstruction using central section theorem
 int IntImage3D.getPixel(Vector3D vector, boolean interpolate)
          Gets the pixel attribute of the IntImage3D object
 RealImage3D RealImage3D.project(Vector3D V, Vector3D C, boolean moy)
          Description of the Method
 ij.process.FloatProcessor RealImage3D.projection(Vector3D V, Vector3D C, boolean moy)
          Description of the Method
 ij.process.FloatProcessor RealImage3D.projectionInterpolated(Vector3D W, boolean moy)
          Projection by interpolation