−Table of Contents
BIAS 2015 People
Keynote Speech
François Nédélec
Invited Lectures
Stephan Priebish
Thomas Walter
Kristine Schauer
Timo Betz
Timo Betz is responsible for the AIV-M1 program since 2010. Timo Betz is a tenured CNRS researcher, working on cell mechanics and cell motility at the Physical Chemistry unit of the Institut Curie in Paris.
After finishing a Masters degree at the Center of Nonlinear Dynamics at the University of Texas at Austin, he received a PhD in Physics from the University of Leipzig in Germany, where he worked on the forces and actin dynamics involved in neuronal growth.
He is in particular interested in the basic cellular working mechanisms that allow a cell to control and modify its mechanical properties. In close collaboration with theoreticians and biologists he tries to develop physical descriptions to model the complex non-equilibrium processes which control living cells.
Kota Miura
Kota is an image processing and analysis specialist at the EMBL Heidelberg and is responsible for the Centre for Molecular and Cellular Imaging. One of the organizers of the BIAS 2014 course. He also plays ukulele.
Kota Miura works at the Centre for Molecular and Cellular Imaging, EMBL Heidelberg as Scientist and IT engineer. B.L.A. (Liberal Arts, ICU, Tokyo), M.Sc (Physiology, Osaka), Ph.D. (Cell and Developmental Biology, Munich). A biologist now very much specialized in image analysis. One of the organizers of the BIAS 2014 course. He likes Karate and Ukulele.
URL: cmci.embl.de Tel: +49 6221 387 404
Sebastien Tosi
Sébastien Tosi is a signal engineer working at the advanced digital microscopy core facility (ADMCF) of Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona, Spain) since 2010. École préparatoire (Nancy, France, 1998), physics engineer (ENSPM Centrale Marseille, France and Tampere university of technology, Finland, 2001), Electrical engineering Ph.D. (High-density multitrack data storage, Limerick, Ireland 2006), system engineer in a telecommunication company (SIDSA, Madrid, 2007-2010). One of the organizers of the BIAS 2014 course.
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux is CNRS research engineer in bio-image informatics on the PICT-IBISA microscopy facility, at Institut Curie Paris France. Electronic and computer sciences engineer, M.Sc (Signal and Image Processing), Ph.D. (Computer Vision for Image guided Neurosurgery), post doc in live cell imaging. One of the organizers of the BIAS 2014 course. She’s in an amateur dance company, and mother of one - her biggest (and only) fan.
Christian Tischer
Christian Tischer is a staff scientist at the Advanced Light Microscopy Facility at the EMBL in Heidelberg. Diploma in Physics (University of Heidelberg, Germany), Ph.D. in Biophysics (EMBL Heidelberg and Humboldt University Berlin, Germany). A physicist now very much specialized in microscopy and image analysis. In terms of hobbies he likes all sort of sports (climbing, ski-touring, …).
Contact: Christian.Tischer@EMBL.DE
Simon Flyvbjerg Nørrelykke
Simon is a physicist turned image-and-data analyst. He works in Zurich at ETH where he heads the IDA (Image and Data Analysis) unit as part of ScopeM (Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy). He no longer plays the ukulele, having chosen instead to express himself via the épée.
Chong Zhang
Chong is a Postdoc at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, working on biomedical image processing algorithms. She studied as a medical imaging engineer in Barcelona, and worked at CellNetworks Core Facility Math-Clinic in University of Heidelberg, as image analyst and postdoc for microscopy image processing and analysis, focusing on cell detection and segmentation for high-throughput imaging, using machine learnig based methods. Contact: chong.zhang@upf.edu