Uses of Class

Packages that use TabUtil

Uses of TabUtil in ij3d.align

Methods in ij3d.align that return TabUtil
 TabUtil[] Align2D.basicTranslation(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil[] Align2D.centerFeatures(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil Align3D.getTransform(int index)
          Gets the transform attribute of the Align3D object
 TabUtil[] Align2D.meanSquare(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil[] Align2D.XCorr(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method

Methods in ij3d.align with parameters of type TabUtil
 TabUtil[] Align2D.basicTranslation(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil[] Align2D.centerFeatures(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil[] Align2D.meanSquare(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method
 TabUtil[] Align2D.XCorr(TabUtil[] points)
          Description of the Method

Constructors in ij3d.align with parameters of type TabUtil
Align3D(RealImage3D[] images, TabUtil[] transforms, java.lang.String filename)
          Constructor for the Align3D object

Uses of TabUtil in ij3d.geom

Methods in ij3d.geom with parameters of type TabUtil
 GeomTransform3D GeomTransform3D.addTransform(TabUtil transfo)
          Adds a feature to the Transform attribute of the GeomTransform3D object

Constructors in ij3d.geom with parameters of type TabUtil
GeomTransform3D(TabUtil transform)
          Constructor for the GeomTransform3D object

Uses of TabUtil in ij3d.image3d

Methods in ij3d.image3d that return TabUtil
 TabUtil IntImage3D.getColumn(int x, int y, int z)
          int donne une ligne de l'image3D
abstract  TabUtil Image3D.getHistogram()
          donne l'histogramme de l'image3D
 TabUtil IntImage3D.getHistogram()
          donne l'histogramme de l'image3D 16 bits
 TabUtil RealImage3D.getHistogram()
          donne l'histogramme de l'image3D 32 bits en decoupage de 65 536 bins // attention pas de lien direct entre case et valeur pixel
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhood(Image3D ker, int x, int y, int z)
          Gets the neighboring of a pixel, with a kernel
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhood(int x, int y, int z, int voisx, int voisy, int voisz)
          Gets the voisinage attribute of the Image3D object (sphere)
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhood3(int x, int y, int z)
          Gets the 3D neighborhood of the pixel in 8 connexicty --> 27 pixels
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhoodKernel(int[] ker, int nbval, int x, int y, int z, float radx, float rady, float radz)
          Gets the voisinage attribute of the Image3D object
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhoodLayer(int x, int y, int z, float r0, float r1)
 TabUtil Image3D.getNeighborhoodSphere(int x, int y, int z, float voisx, float voisy, float voisz)
          Gets the neighboring of a pixel (sphere)
 TabUtil IntImage3D.getProf(int x, int y, int z)
          donne une ligne en Z dans l'image 3D
 TabUtil IntImage3D.getRow(int x, int y, int z)
          donne une ligne de l'image3D

Methods in ij3d.image3d with parameters of type TabUtil
 RealImage3D RealImage3D.add(RealImage3D img, TabUtil transform)
          adds a transformed RealImage3D to this one

Uses of TabUtil in ij3d.utils

Methods in ij3d.utils that return TabUtil
 TabUtil TabUtil.distinctValues()
 TabUtil TabUtil.getCopy()
          Gets the copy attribute of the TabUtil object
 TabUtil TabUtil.getSubTabUtil(int startindex, int newsize)
          extract a sub-array from this array
 TabUtil TabUtil.lissage(int vois)
          lisse le tableau selon un voisinage (le tableau lui-meme n'est pas modifie)

Methods in ij3d.utils with parameters of type TabUtil
 void TabUtil.concat(TabUtil tabToAdd)
          concat an array to the end
 boolean TabUtil.isEqual(TabUtil other)
          test if two arrays are identical
 boolean TabUtil.isEqual(TabUtil other, int begin, int end)
          test if two arrays are identical between two indexes
 void TabUtil.putValues(TabUtil tmp)
          put values inside an array