CMCI weblog
Bioimage Data Analysis Workflow (2019) Springer
We now have a new book "Bioimage Data Analysis Workflow"published from Springer, topics of which are centered around bioimage analysis workflows. The book is open access - thanks to the support from COST Action.
Server moved
The web server hosting this wiki has moved from EMBL to InMotion. The move was rather straight forward, but as is in the subdomain, htaccess file was tweaked around to enable to stay as it is while moving only the wiki to be redirected from to
Anycase, InMotion seems to be fast enough for rendering (even though it's in US).
NeuBIAS Started!
As of May 3rd 2016, supported by COST grant, NeuBIAS officially launched for creating a stronger and broader network among bioimage analysts: read "EuBIAS Manifesto (2013, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.18047)" for more details about our initial motivation. The official document stating our activities is here (PDF)
BIAS has been a small group, and EuBIAS has been a bit larger but now with NeuBIAS, it's big!
Nature Physics Sept. 2013 Cover Page
The ImageJ plugin "Temporal-Color Code" was used for the analysis of the contraction of actomyosin gel and now in the cover page of Nature Physics, September 2013 issue. D. L. Taylor's “Solation-Contraction Coupling” hypothesis now on the move.
Thanks to José Alvarado for his kind acknowledgement and a big applause for his successful publication!
To be in R programming course
I do write some scripts in R but not really serious programming. As I am interested in advanced use of R, I will be in the following course organized by Wolfgang Huber.
The course seems to match with my stage, as it explains
This course is designed for users who have experience with writing R scripts, and who now want to advance one step further, into producing more durable and robust software projects and code that is usable by others.
As I always have had a plan to migrate FRAPcalc program from IgorPro to R and also add some more functionalities, this course should be the one I should attend… I thank Wolfgang for his initiative in making this course available. Besides, I am happy to see another EMBL centre being active!