Reproducible image handling and analysis
We often hear retraction of papers with fake image data like gel images with hand-drawn bands and cleanups, but in addition to such elementary-level mistakes, there are image analyses used in papers that are scientifically questionable. With Simon, we tried to shed light on this overlooked problem and propose a solution.
NEUBIAS Training School Paper
Details of motivations, the design, and paedagogic concepts of NEUBIAS Bioimage Analysis schools, started in 2017, are now in a manuscript. I wrote the “Bioimage Analyst School” part, and am quite satisfied to have the written record of our struggle and achievements, that I did together with the bioimage analysis genius Jean-Yves Tinevez (The Pasteur Institute, Paris).
Bleach Correction Plugin Paper
The paper describing the Bleach Correction Plugin (for ImageJ) is now published.
Please cite this paper if you are using this plugin!
ImageJ Macro Fragments
Some notes on ImageJ macro
Getting the number of Cores
th = eval("script","Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();"); print(th);
Loading ROIs from a file in Internet
shell command “curl” should be available in your local machine. See here for installation.
run("Blobs (25K)"); path = getDirectory('imagej')+"RoiSet.zip"; print(path) exec("curl", "-LJO", "https://github.com/mutterer/weird/raw/master/RoiSet.zip", "--output", path); roiManager("Open",path); roiManager("Show All"); File.delete(path);
Getting Pixel Coordinates within a Polygon ROI
Roi.getContainedPoints(xps, yps); for(i=0; i<xps.length; i++) { xpos = xps[i]; ypos = yps[i]; pixval = getPixel(xpos, ypos); print("("+ xpos + ", " + ypos + ") ", pixval); }
Ways of getting the file basename
filepath = "/my/path/to/great_image.tif"; //Method 1, string indexing basename = substring(filepath, lastIndexOf(filepath, "/")+1, lastIndexOf(filepath, ".")); print("Method 1: ", basename); //Method 2, regular expression basename = replace(filepath, "(.*\\/)(.*)\\..{3,5}$", "$2"); print("Method 2: ", basename); //... in this case, it's also possible to get the parent directry just with a small modification parent = replace(filepath, "(.*\\/)(.*)\\..{3,5}$", "$1"); print(".... parent: ", parent); //Method 3, use a specific command //from ver. 1.52r basename = File.getNameWithoutExtension(filepath); print("Method 3: ", basename); //... it's also possible to get the parent directory with a command. parent = File.getDirectory(filepath); print(".... parent: ", parent);
Convert black pixels to white in RGB image
for (j =0; j<getHeight();j++){ for (i=0; i<getWidth();i++){ pix = getPixel(i, j); sum = sumRGB(pix); if (sum == 0){ setPixel(i, j, 0xffffff); } } } function sumRGB(RGBpixval){ sum = getR(pix) + getG(pix) + getB(pix); return sum; } function getR(RGBpixval){ rf = (RGBpixval & 0xff0000)>>16; return rf; } function getG(RGBpixval){ gf = (RGBpixval & 0x00ff00)>>8; return gf; } function getB(RGBpixval){ bf = (RGBpixval & 0x0000ff); return bf; }
Bioimage Data Analysis Workflow (2019) Springer
We now have a new book "Bioimage Data Analysis Workflow"published from Springer, topics of which are centered around bioimage analysis workflows. The book is open access - thanks to the support from COST Action.
NeuBIAS Started!
As of May 3rd 2016, supported by COST grant, NeuBIAS officially launched for creating a stronger and broader network among bioimage analysts: read "EuBIAS Manifesto (2013, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.18047)" for more details about our initial motivation. The official document stating our activities is here (PDF)
BIAS has been a small group, and EuBIAS has been a bit larger but now with NeuBIAS, it's big!
BIAS 2016
EMBL Master Course for Bioimage Data Analysis (BIAS2016): Registration is now open, deadline on April 15th.
Official Website: http://www.embl.de/bias2016
Course Wiki: BIAS2016 wiki
Published: Bioimage Data Analysis
A new book is now online: “Bioimage Data Analysis”. The instructors of EMBL Bioimage Data Analysis coauthored 10 chapters on practical techniques for analyzing image data in biology. E-books are downloadable free of charge from the following link.
Bioimage Data Analysis (2016), Wiley-VCH
For sample image data and codes, please download from the following link:
Triweekly CMCI image analysis seminar launched
The CMCI seminar has been either spontaneous or took a form of mini-symposium, but now in a new format.
Every three weeks, seminar member gathers and two of them present image analysis problems / solutions or reads a paper. For more details and the schedule, see this page.
BIAS 2014 wiki page
The 2nd “EMBL Master course on BioImage Data Analysis” will be in May. I , Sebastien Tosi (Barcelona) and Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux will be organizing the course. Here is the wiki page for this year.
I added biography of invited speakers, so please check if you are interested! By the way, we abbreviate the course title as “BIAS2014”.